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This is the place for all of my random musings, my life happenings, and our journey in turning our forest into a farm!

Thanks for taking the time to visit!

Happy Birthday

I need to start writing things down.  I will think about something that I want to blog about and then things happen.  I get tired and stressed and then all I want to do is sit down and drink a glass of wine while playing Candy Crush.  Of course, I totally forget what it is that I wanted to write about.  Oh well, I'm writing now.  

Happy Birthday to me!!!! It was about a week ago.  April 28th to be exact.  Honestly, I wasn't very excited to be having a birthday.  I'm not usually the type that gets depressed that I am older, but there was something different this year.  I look younger than I am; I don't care to tell you that I am 37.  I have noticed that I am starting to show signs of my age.  Wrinkles that weren't there before.  Thinking about the fact that I am now only 3 years away from 40 didn't help.  We are clawing our way out of our financial woes (which doesn't leave a lot of room for presents or dates).  

Usually for my birthday, I like to change something.  Last year I got a hair cut.  The year before that I got a piercing.  The year before that I got a tattoo.  *side note:  I really really really want to get another tattoo, I really want to get a sleeve done*  This year, I didn't even want to do any of that.  I spent my birthday at work.  9-6 at the pharmacy... on my birthday... yay.  If I am honest, a lot of my birthday funk was because I knew we didn't have the money to make it a big deal.  Shouldn't I be cruising, worry free down the streets of life?  Haven't I made it through enough hard times?  If I am even more honest, I was being selfish.  

I eventually got over myself, and my mood started to lighten.  I just had to decide that I was going to wear a smile and a cheerful heart and be grateful for the life I've lived and all I have ahead of me.  

Steve of course insisted on taking me on a date.  He is so good to me.  He knew I was in a funk and I just needed to get out.  My date of choice, you ask?  Waffle House!  I do love Waffle House dates with Steve.  They just finished building one right down the road from us.  Sunday morning we slept in, cleaned the house a little, then walked to Waffle House.  It was such a beautiful day.  I also love holding Steve's hand... so I got a Waffle House date and a hand holding walk.  It was PERFECT.  

As we were finishing our meal, our waitress told us that the lady behind us paid for our meal.  I of course teared up immediately.  God is so good to me.  Steve looks at me and says, "you know, He really does favor you".  I am filled with so much gratefulness.  Thankful for the woman who listened.  Thankful that God touches us where we are at.  Thankful for such a small act of kindness that makes a huge impact.

Thank you stranger.  Thank you for making my birthday special.  My date wasn't expensive, we didn't dress up, and there were no roses.  If you can imagine something that is more perfect than perfect... that's what it was.  

I am what I am! That’s a great thing to be! If I say so myself, happy birthday to me!
— Dr. Seuss
Goodbye Ladies

Goodbye Ladies

To Wash or Not To Wash?

To Wash or Not To Wash?