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This is the place for all of my random musings, my life happenings, and our journey in turning our forest into a farm!

Thanks for taking the time to visit!

To Wash or Not To Wash?

To Wash or Not To Wash?


The number one question that I get asked when I give away / sell eggs is about why I do not refrigerate them.  The second is why they are dirty. 

The second question is pretty easy to answer.  Because the chickens have dirty feet, and because if I wash off said dirt... the natural protection (bloom) on the egg of the shell will be washed away.  

When I first started keeping the "gateway to livestock" (aka chickens), I had no idea what I was doing.  I read so many opinions on how to care for my ladies.  Everyone has their own way of doing everything from bedding to eggs.  After reading this, I decided to not wash the eggs I collected until right before using them.  We actually go through a fair amount of eggs a day, and I still have some to give away once a week, so keeping them on the counter works well for us.

Later, I read an article in the New York Times, that made me realize... It's all mostly a matter of opinion whether you wash or don't wash your eggs.  What everyone does agree on is the fact that if you do wash your eggs, they need to be kept in the refrigerator afterwards.

I have had chickens in my care for about 3 years now and I have had a few bad eggs and have never contracted salmonella or any other disease.  When I give eggs to others, I make them fully aware of why I do not wash my eggs and I include and "instruction" sheet for newbies.


Keeping our eggs out of the fridge was a little weird at first, but now I wouldn't do it any other way.  What do you think?  To wash or not to wash... that is the question

Happy Birthday

Old Windows, New Obsession

Old Windows, New Obsession