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This is the place for all of my random musings, my life happenings, and our journey in turning our forest into a farm!

Thanks for taking the time to visit!

Goodbye Ladies

Goodbye Ladies

The farm land is still in probate court.  We have our home of 21 years up for sale.  The chickens are not allowed in a rental.  Sadness.  Fortunately, my friend's brother's wife's mom wanted to start keeping backyard chickens.  It was perfect timing.  I am sad that I no longer have fresh eggs every day, but I am happy that the chickens have a new home where the owners treat them like pets.  They are well cared for.  

Moving them was a bit of an adventure.  Ever moved chickens into a dog crate and put them into the back of your Kia Sorento?  I have.  Fun is not the word I would use.  I am sure I made more than a few people behind me angry with the way I was driving.  I didn't want the chickens flinging poop all over my car so I drove slowly with as little turning as possible so they didn't slip and slide everywhere. 

Thankfully we didn't have very far to go and the trip was uneventful.  No poop in this girls car!  We took them out of the crate one and a time and clipped their wings before taking them to their new enclosure.  I hoped that the traveling didn't upset them too much and the new owners could get some eggs right away.  (I gave them the eggs from the coop that morning... just in case).  I am happy to report that the chickens must not have been too upset because they all laid the next day.  Good chickens. LOL.  

I can't say that I really miss the chickens, but I also can't wait to get some more.  We love fresh eggs and next time around we are going to be planning for chickens to lay AND to eat.  We hope to have enough for our family and to be able to sell any extra.  Our goal has always been to have a farm where everything pays for itself and has a purpose.  I am so ready to be on our land.  Patiently waiting... 

Good things come to those who wait. Better things come to those who don’t give up, and the best things come to those who believe.
— Unknown

The Little Things

Happy Birthday