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This is the place for all of my random musings, my life happenings, and our journey in turning our forest into a farm!

Thanks for taking the time to visit!

Rejoice Always

Several years ago I started doing a yearly resolution of sorts.  Every year I have focused on a single word.  The first year was amazing; the subsequent years were not so... life changing?  I think I tried to hard, I tried to recreate the first year.  That's the thing about God, I think, even though He is the same yesterday, today, and forever... He is also creative, He wants to do a new thing in us... we are a new creation in Christ... He loves to see us love and grow especially when it's Him that is directing the change.

This year, God gave me more than just one word.  He gave me a scripture.  1 Thess 5:16-18  today I decided that He put this scripture in the bible so that we would have to go to him for help.  Have you ever tried to rejoice ALWAYS?  Not easy.  How about praying continually?  Yeah and being thankful in every situation?? 

This morning was bad for me.  I was super emotional, I started crying because I just needed coffee.  Coffee and a little bit of alone time.  So dumb.  I hate it when I can't control my emotions, and I felt selfish for even needing those things so much.  Steve gave me a hug, which somehow always helps a little bit.  When I was finally able to get in the shower, that still small voice whispered to me "Have you tried being thankful?  Your attitude can change atmospheres and hearts."

Right then and there, I started thanking God for all the things I could possibly think of, including the situations I don't understand, can't change, or seemingly have no end in sight.  My attitude took a slight turn, but I don't think that was the test.  Being thankful in my hot shower isn't that hard; it's in the middle of the difficulties that being thankful is the toughest and when it makes the most difference.  I am most thankful for the gentle reminders that Holy Spirit gives me, and I am grateful for second / third / fourth..... chances for those times when I'm not listening so well.  

Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple
— Dr. Seuss

This is my "half point" check in I guess.  I don't feel as if I have succeeded in really living 1 Thess. 5:16-18, but I do know that it is changing my life and my heart, and hopefully it is changing the lives around me too.  

Things Somebody Else Learned

Things Somebody Else Learned

Penny Pinchin (Freezer Meals Edition)

Penny Pinchin (Freezer Meals Edition)