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This is the place for all of my random musings, my life happenings, and our journey in turning our forest into a farm!

Thanks for taking the time to visit!

Months of Updates

Months of Updates

Wow time flies!! I had lofty goals of posting at least a blog a month…… that didn’t happen. It’s been 7 months!!! Crazy, and soooo much has happened.

We officially moved onto the farm the end of October 2021. That week is a whole story all by itself. I wont get into that now though. I will have to make another post for that. It was literally so stressful that I can still remember every ridiculous detail.

Also, in October:

  • Bonnie and Clyde came unexpectedly into our lives. We weren’t really looking for new cows to add to the herd, but we ended up with 2 more anyway (totally for a good cause).

  • After JayZ crossed the troll bridge to a better place, we welcomed JT (Justin Timberlake) to the farm. Beyonce was soooo excited.

  • Dolly was artificially inseminated.

  • Just Steve and I vacation time in Florida


  • The driveway was finished

  • A grandbaby was born

  • We were gifted two boars

  • Ice flowers


  • Christmas and just all around crazyness


  • The first really big snow

  • Morty!!!! the leopard cat

  • We started forestry mulching all the saplings and crap trees to start forming the beginnings of pasture for the animals


  • I had surgery on my wrist (cyst removal)

  • All the rain…. I am so tired of all the rain


  • Planted the cereal rye (hoping for grass in time for the cows to graze when we run out of hay)


  • Senior pictures

  • My birhday

  • A new official driver in the household

  • Beyonce had twins (Biscuit and Pepper)

  • Prom


  • Declan’s Birthday

  • Mother’s Day Collab art

And that brings you up to date. Honestly there is even more than that but those are the highlights. We have tried to keep up with our video documenting and we have a decent amount of footage but I haven’t been able to find the time to edit anything together. I have been thinking about it more lately so maybe I will get some done soon.

The farm is really starting to take shape. We are loving the openness. We basically gave the farm a makeover and more of an open floor plan LOL It seems both bigger and smaller all at the same time. It seems like every time we walk around making decisions about what will go were, it’s big and daunting. Although, when we figure out where we want things to go and make room for them, suddenly its all small and too close together.

We couldn’t be happier with the results so far. We are way further ahead of where we thought we would be at this point. Some days I question what I was thinking when I decided that I wanted to be a farmer…. but most days, I really love it. I love being out in the middle of nowhere with my cows and chickens and dogs and pigs and cat. I love that eventually this is all we’ll be doing. I look forward to the day that we can earn more money than we spend on the farm. It will happen, and in the meantime, we will just keep on keepin on.

Only you can control your future - Dr. Seuss

Home Sweet Home --- Finally

What Dreams May Come…

What Dreams May Come…