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This is the place for all of my random musings, my life happenings, and our journey in turning our forest into a farm!

Thanks for taking the time to visit!

Poison Ivy Was Not Part of the Plan

Poison Ivy Was Not Part of the Plan

As we have been dreaming and planning for 5 years, not once did I think about poison ivy. I should have, I had plenty of opportunity to think about the ramifications of my actions; but I did not! I did not think about how highly sensitive I am to Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac. I thought about chickens and cute little baby calves.

I did not think about clearing acres of forest to build a farm and that said forest is probably filled with poison ivy, oak, or sumac…. or more likely all three. I also incorrectly assumed that it died in the fall/ winter months… I can assure you that it is alive and well (at least in Tn). When I say highly sensitive, I mean really highly sensitive

So now my journey makes a slight turn, because I have to figure out a way to remain rash free while building a farm. My hope is that when we finish the bulk of the clearing for buildings and trails and such that it will be easy to stay away from. The more that I research the more and more that the hope I will be able to stay away from the gross oil excreting plant vanishes.

I don’t even have to touch the stuff directly… I could come in contact with it while petting my dog, or cow , or someone’s clothes, or my own clothes… and then if I touch my face, game over for my complexion.

I have tried a barrier cream, I am not sure if it worked or not. The last time we were out at the farm I still got a rash on my face and on my fingers / knuckles… although I am not sure if I got it at the farm. I was cleaning up the kitchen for the grandkids and I moved a slice of wood that may have had poison ivy vines on the bark. Maybe that is where it came from? I asked Steve to save me a medallion of wood so I could wood burn our logo into it after it dried… now I am thinking that wasn’t such a good idea.


Today, while we were out, I wore latex gloves under my work gloves, I did not touch my face, and I made sure all of my skin was covered. I hope that’s enough I guess I’ll find out in the morning.

Thankfully, it hasn’t been as bad as it was a few years ago when it looked like I may have had leprosy. Hopefully, it will not ever be that bad again. Fingers crossed and still farm dreaming, only a little more carefully.

When something bad happens you have three choices. You can either let it define you, let is destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you.
— Dr. Seuss

Steve... I guess I'll keep him

The Path Never Traveled... Yet