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This is the place for all of my random musings, my life happenings, and our journey in turning our forest into a farm!

Thanks for taking the time to visit!

Farmless Farmgirl

Have I mentioned how I still don’t have a farm?

We’ve only been waiting 2 years. SOOO much time has passed and much has changed. There are more complications with the land that we initially wanted, which has made us start looking around for what else might be available. I have discovered 2 things. I am a farm girl at heart and where I am a farm girl doesn’t matter.

I want to be on a functioning farm, and that I want to be the one operating it. I am not aware of the exact moment that I became a farm girl in my heart, but I suspect it had something to do with chickens. I have read books to prepare myself. I’ve watched a seeming endless supply of YouTube videos (even some Amish ones… seemed legit… even though I thought Amish people were opposed to electronics?). I decided last week, that although I have endlessly professed that I have a black thumb and can not grow things, I need to learn. I am going to start now with a windowsill herb garden. Steve is busy with work and the business is growing. He will not have to time to plant, weed, or whatever that I will, so learning to not kill plants is essential for me. The point is… all of this research has only amplified the desire to farm.

So, the quest for farmland continues. And despite what feels like “starting over”, I am really hopeful. Maybe all of the things that we have endured, all of the complications and obstacles that have been thrown in our path are really keeping us away from the good until we find the best? I will be the first to admit that when we made the offer on that 30 acres 2 years ago that we weren’t really ready. I can’t say that I am completely prepared now, but I am a heck of a lot more ready than I was. I think if it had all gone as planned back then, it would have worked out. I also think that better is out there waiting for us.

Be grateful you’re not in the forest in France
Where the average young person just hasn’t a chance
To escape from the perilous pants eating plants
But your pants are safe, you’re a fortunate guy
You ought to be shouting how lucky am I
— Dr. Seuss
The Most Interesting Dog in the World

The Most Interesting Dog in the World

Preserving History

Preserving History